Olds O-25 Mouthpiece Advice

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Olds O-25 Mouthpiece Advice

Post by RustyTrombonist »

My high schooler is playing my mid-1970s Olds O-25 and he's using my old Benge 6 1/2 AL L mouthpiece. Is there a better or additional option for him and that horn? He plays in symphonic band, marching band, pit orchestra, and a big band combo. Thanks for any advice you can provide!
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Re: Olds O-25 Mouthpiece Advice

Post by BGuttman »

One problem with Olds trombones is that the mouthpiece receiver is an odd size. Most normal mouthpiece stick out too far, making the hon play a bit flat.

As to size, a 6.5 AL is a great starting point. If he's not running into problems with size I'd stay there for now. In order to recommend a change we need to know what his problems are. Have you discussed things with his private teacher? Or if the teacher can't provide a solution have him take a Skype lesson with Doug Elliott. Doug is an expert at embouchure and can possibly suggest where to go. If you are in the Washington DC area, you can schedule an in-person lesson with him.
Bruce Guttman
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Re: Olds O-25 Mouthpiece Advice

Post by Vegasbound »

What does his teacher say? Nothing wrong with a 61/2 as Bruce said if it ain't broke don't fix it
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Re: Olds O-25 Mouthpiece Advice

Post by JohnL »

Another vote for keeping the 6½AL unless there's a good reason not to.

Olds used at least two different large-shank receivers over the years. The later production horns (which I expect includes your O-25) aren't enough undersize to cause an issue for most people. The only way to get a perfect fit is to either find an Olds mouthpiece (limited size choice and hard to find) or to contact Doug Elliott.
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Re: Olds O-25 Mouthpiece Advice

Post by Posaunus »

I agree with Bruce, Vegas, and John. The 6½AL should be fine for a high schooler playing an Olds O-25.

The mouthpiece originally supplied with the O-25 was probably an Olds 15, which fit the undersize Olds receiver snugly. This mouthpiece had a cup inside diameter of 25.0mm and a throat of 5.85mm (about the size of a Bach 6¾C) – much too small for such a large-bore (0.554") trombone in my opinion. The other large-shank Olds mouthpiece was the Olds 20 (25.6mm cup, 6.70mm throat) – apparently supplied with Olds "bass trombones" back in the day. This mouthpiece has a cup about the size of a Bach 5GS (but more funnel-shaped), or just bit larger than a Bach 6½AL, and (I think) matches the O-25 trombone much better.

Beyond Bach, I think a good mouthpiece match to the O-25 is a Schilke 51 or 51C4 – but no reason for him to change now. (The mouthpiece merry-go-round can be a slippery slope, to mix a metaphor.) Stick with the 6½AL and keep practicing. (And don't march with this trombone!) :cry:
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