Yes, I'm an idiot

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Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by tbdana »

EDIT: For the audio version of this post, click the link, and sound up: ... grthyKrThg

Thanks to Harry Reed for this! :D

Today I fell, twice in five minutes, and now I can't play.

The first fall was down the outside stairs. Hurt my ankle, back, and shoulder, got road rash on my leg and boob, and hit my head pretty hard on the concrete. But my chops were fine. Less than five minutes later, while still woozy from hitting my head, I tripped and did a full-on face plant. It was so quick. I couldn't get my hands out in front of me. But on the way down I saw it in slow motion and was like, "Not on the chops! Not on the chops!"

Wham! Right on the chops.

So I had to get a sub for tonight's symphony rehearsal.

Yesterday and today.

10295942_10152397726824872_8229374766229815790_o (1).jpg

I am such an idiot.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by MStarke »

Oh no! Hope it goes away quickly again!

Summer last year (or the year efore?) I dropped something heavy on my face when unpacking the rooftop box of our car. It fell directly on my chops and left a heavy bruise including some bleeding. I was really worried to have damaged something permanently and also my whole jaw and teeth hurt. Luckily I could play again after about a week.

Markus Starke

Alto: Conn 35h, Kanstul, Weril
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by atopper333 »

Ouch, I’m sorry! I hope you heal quickly!
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by AndrewMeronek »

I've walked into things in the black of the night, but that usually results in a bloody nose, not bashed chops.

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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by harrisonreed »

Dana, I hope your face heals up fast. It's good that you didn't have an even more serious injury!

I'm not sure if it will make your day better or not ... But if you want to hear it ... Your OP was essentially lyrics ready to go for the AI song machine...
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by tbdana »

Oh, no. I cannot wait…
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by Kbiggs »

Damn! Take care. Ice if needed, rest, NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen. Don’t play for a few days, listen to some good music, take a walk. Take it easy when you return to the horn. Let us know how it goes.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by Crazy4Tbone86 »

Age has its impact on all of us. A couple of years ago my doctor advised me that……as I approach my sixties, I should walk up and down steps slower and try to make sure each foot is placed carefully on each step. I thought it was silly advice!

About a month ago, my wife slipped near the bottom of the steps that lead to our basement. She is presently 58. She did walk away from it without a limp, but ended up with some big bruises. That incident made me think about my doctor’s advice!

I have recently read that falling down is a major problem for people 70 and older. One simple fall can set a person back for months. We have seen that in our parents, who are in their 80s and have all fallen in recent years. Just recently (while we were visiting them) one of our parents fell while retrieving the mail from the mailbox and the end of the driveway. We had to help him back into house!

Dana, I don’t know how old you are but I am absolutely sure that you are not an idiot. Maybe we should both take my doctor’s advice and try to be a little more sure-footed when moving around. After all, isn’t it better to take a few additional seconds to go up or down a set of steps than to spend two months in physical therapy?

Take it easy my friend and I hope you heal quickly! If we ever meet, I’ll be the one holding on to the railing while while on the steps.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by 2bobone »

A physical therapist gave some really great advice when ascending stairs : "Always place your ENTIRE foot on the step, not just the ball of your foot" ! So far, so good !
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by BGuttman »

2bobone wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 4:30 pm A physical therapist gave some really great advice when ascending stairs : "Always place your ENTIRE foot on the step, not just the ball of your foot" ! So far, so good !
That works great unless you have really big feet like me :(
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by AtomicClock »

BGuttman wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 4:34 pm works great unless you have really big feet like me
I think it would require sideways walking for anyone with adult feet. Both hands on one rail.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by BrassSection »

My size 13 6E feet give me a “good understanding”, not unusual to find many steps are too small for me, but I can get at least half a foot on most. I feel lucky, in spite of my big feet and soon to turn 71, I have always been nimble and well balanced. My legs get plenty of workouts in my normal activities. After my first knee replacement the surgeon commented my legs are built like a linebacker. Probably just set myself up for a fall!
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

Aging becomes like being stalked by a pack of wolves -- except the wolves are the various "comorbidities" that are waiting to attack you on a daily basis. While you're fighting off one, another sneaks up on you and takes a bite. The title of Dylan Thomas's poem might better have been "Do not limp gentle into that rough night". :lol:
Gary Merrill
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by Doug Elliott »

Who changed "boob" to "torso"?
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by harrisonreed » ... 593207cf53

I did, just for the song version. Family friendly
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by rmb796 »

Two months ago I missed a curb and went right on my face with a big knot on my forehead. Lips were ok (My big nose saved them). Two days later I fell in my yard right on my right shoulder! My balance was not right from the first fall. I could not extend my right arm without it shaking and hurting. I thought this may be the end of my trombone and cello playing. Finally got into physical therapy and they were amazing!!! Back to playing after 5 weeks and doing well.
I would recommend PT if you need it. Hope you get feeling better soon.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by Crazy4Tbone86 »

harrisonreed wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 6:35 pm ... 593207cf53

I did, just for the song version. Family friendly
Two things....

1. Pretty cool that Harry was able to put that together so quickly. AI is impressive.
2. Rather scary that it sounds exactly like 50% of the songs on the radio these days. At least I understand why I cannot emotionally connect with today's pop music!
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by baileyman »

I was yanking a long piece of material to work with out of a bin and it let loose suddenly and hit the middle of my upper with a "twack" inside my head. I though I must've split the orbiculus. But little swelling and played a bit for a few days, then realized it wasn't working right. Then a couple weeks of thying to find that, and it turned out I had shifted the piece on the chops, maybe because the chops had a different bruised feel? Anyway, resetting and away we go.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by tbdana »

Better today, but I still can't get the notes out. Nose still swollen, cheek still swollen, upper lip still swollen right in the middle and off to one side a little under the abrasions. Maybe tomorrow...


And boy, do I really feel like an idiot today. :(
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by BGuttman »

One thing that will help the lip healing: get some vitamin E capsules. They are gel caps with an oil inside. Puncture the gel cap and apply the oil directly to the lips.

For the swelling, use ice.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by AndrewMeronek »

Don't bother trying to play until you heal up. The trombone will still be there.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by tbdana »


Well, I played for the first time since my fall. Had a rehearsal for Les Miz. I was able to make a buzz on my lips, so I figured I was ready to go.

Oh, boy, did it hurt to play! :cry:

Afterward, I looked at the underside of my lip and discovered why it hurt so much.

Lip after fall.jpg

And to make matters worse, it was a rehearsal from hell, which I may describe elsewhere. But, oh man, this stinks.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

The problem with damaging your body when you're old is that healing takes a LOT longer. :(
Gary Merrill
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by Doubler »

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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by imsevimse »

Sorry to hear about your accidents. Hope you ger into shape soon. You need to heal that lip first.

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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by timothy42b »

2bobone wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 4:30 pm A physical therapist gave some really great advice when ascending stairs : "Always place your ENTIRE foot on the step, not just the ball of your foot" ! So far, so good !
Descending, when in doubt (like early morning before the joints loosen) backwards is safest. You are unlikely to lose your balance and if you do you don't have far to fall.

I had a fall in the hotel room while descending, by catching my heel on the step I was on. I did a scorpion onto the landing, but was uninjured. Sometimes lucky is better than good.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by Doug Elliott »

Note: scuffs on stair risers are not from kicking them going up... it's from the back of your shoe scraping when going down.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

I'm starting to feel a lot better about being asked "Have you fallen recently?" every time I check in with one of my doctors. My answer remains "No." But I'm probably living on borrowed time.
Gary Merrill
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by JohnL »

Before I messed up my left knee (fractured tibial plateau, torn ACL), I could practically fly down properly proportioned steps. Now? I have to be consciously aware of every step lest my left heel catch the front edge of the tread. I think it's because my knees no longer "match".
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by Posaunus »

Doug Elliott wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2024 5:41 pm Note: scuffs on stair risers are not from kicking them going up... it's from the back of your shoe scraping when going down.
JohnL wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2024 6:33 pm Before I messed up my left knee (fracture tibial plateau, torn ACL), I could practically fly down properly proportioned steps. Now? I have to be consciously aware of every step lest my left heel catch the front edge of the tread. I think it's because my knees no longer "match".
My knees are OK (aging but still symmetrical), but I broke a metatarsal several years ago, and more recently fractured my left tibia. Now I am aware of both these issues, and ALWAYS use the hand rail when descending stairs. (Always going forward - never backward, which presents its own issues!) But - at my age - I may also be borrowing time.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by Cmillar »

Some health advice for all of us, coming from wise physicians, yoga/fitness people, pediatric specialists, athletic trainers, orthopedic specialists, and more:

- try to wear 'zero-lift' (that is, flat barefoot style shoes) as often as you can (ideally, all the time)

The health benefits are enormous, including better posture, better pelvic-musculature motion to initiate all movement, and proven long-term effects of better overall health in general....meaning...less injuries!!!

There are reasons why the best athletes in the world know that total contact with the ground is essential to maximum movement.

In fact, Vivobarefoot shoes were developed and tested on some of the world's best tennis players in order to avoid ankle and twisting injuries.

There were factually less injuries (ankles, knees) in professional basketball back in the day when Converse were the shoe that everyone played in. They're totally flat. (kind of uncomfortable if you have a high arch, so you need a good orthopedic foot bed in Converse if you wear them a lot)

Examples are:
- Merrill Trail Glove shoes
- Nike Barefoot
- Xero shoes
- Vivobarefoot
- Converse

There are many companies now making zero-lift dress shoes as well, perfect for wearing to gigs with suits.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

Cmillar wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:01 am - try to wear 'zero-lift' (that is, flat barefoot style shoes) as often as you can (ideally, all the time)
Definitely not a course for everyone to follow. In general, you'll find that podiatrists and foot specialists are not supportive of this approach and will provide detailed reasons why. Just use a search engine to see the issues.
Gary Merrill
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by Cmillar »

ghmerrill wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:18 am
Cmillar wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:01 am - try to wear 'zero-lift' (that is, flat barefoot style shoes) as often as you can (ideally, all the time)
Definitely not a course for everyone to follow. In general, you'll find that podiatrists and foot specialists are not supportive of this approach and will provide detailed reasons why. Just use a search engine to see the issues.
Sorry, but beg to differ. They're living in the dark ages of information.

The proof just have to try it for yourself. Give yourself a few months. You'll never go back to 'regular shoes'.

A million years of evolution didn't produce humans meant to walk around in shoes with heels.

Heels, stiff leather shoes, narrow shoes, and cowboy boots are helping to contribute to a rash of health problems (not just back problems, but digestive problems, etc. etc.) And, that leads to a rash of mental problems as well (lack of confidence due to inability to move to the best of your ability)

ie: Ever seen an old cowboy try to walk after taking off his boots? Pretty hilarious....but not funny. Very sad.

Life-long ice hockey players, and a lot of figure skaters, literally have to retrain themselves as to how to walk naturally without pain. Figure skaters are better off, because they know the importance of doing ballet exercises in order to maintain a naturally functioning calf muscle, because ice skates inhibit ankle mobility and therefore harm calf muscle development which is of utmost importance to natural mobility and freedom from injuries.

If you're in any city in Canada, sit on a streetcorner for an hour and watch people stroll by. It's pretty easy to spot someone who spent most of their life in ice skates. They walk very stiffly, due to literally no ankle mobility, weak calf muscles, and all their movement initiated from the thighs and buttocks. They're very prone to back injuries and other ailments from lack of proper mobility once they hang up the blades.

The healthiest populations of humans in the world don't even wear shoes of any kind. Or else, they wear very flat shoes just to cover the soles of their feet from stones or pebbles.

The world's greatest instrumental soloists are very picky about what they wear on their feet. For example, Hillary Hahn is really into yoga to stay in proper physical form, and she practically dances while she performs. There are numerous other examples of musicians being pretty picky about what they wear on their feet while performing.

So, I'll stop here. The evidence for the positive effects of wearing shoes that conform to how we're naturally designed to move is overwhelming. And the evidence of the number of injuries due to wearing improper shoes or boots is also overwhelming.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

Cmillar wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:57 am Sorry, but beg to differ. They're living in the dark ages of information.

[ ... etc. ... enunciating a broad view based on some concept of "naturalism" and a vague appeal to "evolution"]
Yeah, well, I have my own very specific experience with the various approaches here -- not based on a commitment to some ideology. But that's irrelevant.

I can only repeat that people can do their own research very easily on this issue, and see the known benefits and known dangers. No one is living in the dark ages of information now. It's available to everyone.
Gary Merrill
Amati Oval Euph
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by MStarke »

Well, I also managed to have a stupid fall two days ago.
Played a game carrying my three year old on the left arm. Stumbled and fell quite badly. As a good dad, my son didn't even touch the ground, but I stopped the fall with my right arm.
Seems like I dislocated my right shoulder and got some bad bruises. Seemingly no damage to the bones and hopefully no real damage to the muscle.

Yesterday evening (so a day later) it seems I accidentally slipped the shoulder back in (didn't realize it was really dislocated before). Some movements are no problem, but range of motion is really limited right now so that I cannot really lift my right arm enough to eat normally.

I figured out today that I can play euphonium (but definitely not trombone at the moment).

Luckily I don't have any important gigs coming up. It's got quite a bit better in the last 48 hours, so I hope I will be fine in about a week.
Markus Starke

Alto: Conn 35h, Kanstul, Weril
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

MStarke wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 6:41 am Some movements are no problem, but range of motion is really limited right now so that I cannot really lift my right arm enough to eat normally.
You might want to get some PT for that. I've had two incidents that were indirectly motorcycle-related (I.e., involving a motorcycle, but not riding at the time :roll: ). One was when I was wheeling a bike to a different location and it slipped on wet leaves and went down on my left ankle. It didn't break it, but it was a severe sprain and I just ignored it and went on with life. But that ankle (and alignment of the foot) has never been quite the same since.

In the second incident I tripped over my wife's rear stand in my garage, fell directly onto the concrete floor, broke my kneecap severely and my left shoulder just below the joint (since I was pitched forward into the front fork of my son's bike :roll: ). The knee had long-term consequences (and eventually a knee replacement). The shoulder was a long recovery (resulting in "frozen shoulder") and a lot of PT -- which I unfortunately didn't put as much effort and time into as I should have (that PT was really rugged). As a result, I've never got back to full range of motion in that shoulder. It's not inhibitory, and never seemed like a big deal at the time, but it's a bit annoying. I'm quite confident that if I'd done more with the PT I'd have gotten back to full range. I'd recommend that you do the time and take the PT pain and regimen at this point, rather than paying the cost in the future of lacking range of motion -- especially as a trombone player.
Gary Merrill
Amati Oval Euph
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by hyperbolica »

ghmerrill wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:38 am Yeah, well, I have my own very specific experience with the various approaches here -- not based on a commitment to some ideology. But that's irrelevant.

I can only repeat that people can do their own research very easily on this issue, and see the known benefits and known dangers. No one is living in the dark ages of information now. It's available to everyone.
I had some flat shoes for a long time, and adopted the idea that the pain just made me stronger. If those doctors want a real test, maybe they could work with people who DON'T have perfect young bodies. If those shoes are really best, then barefoot would be even better. I can hardly walk at all barefoot.

I've got several pair of Hokas with very thick and springy soles, and my feet actually feel better with the shoes on than without them. I can walk long distances with them on, and just hate doing it without them. I got a black pair for all-black performances.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by MStarke »

ghmerrill wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 7:07 am You might want to get some PT for that. I've had two incidents that were indirectly motorcycle-related (I.e., involving a motorcycle, but not riding at the time :roll: ). One was when I was wheeling a bike to a different location and it slipped on wet leaves and went down on my left ankle. It didn't break it, but it was a severe sprain and I just ignored it and went on with life. But that ankle (and alignment of the foot) has never been quite the same since.
I'd recommend that you do the time and take the PT pain and regimen at this point, rather than paying the cost in the future of lacking range of motion -- especially as a trombone player.
Until now I had a friend who is a doctor and worked in that area for a while look at it and we agreed to give it some time to recover. But if it's not getting substantially better I will certainly go for more diagnosis and physio therapy. Definitely don't want to limit movement unnecessarily. And outside of trombone playing, sports and just every day activity I need to be fit to care for my daughter who sits in a wheelchair...
Markus Starke

Alto: Conn 35h, Kanstul, Weril
Tenor: 2x Conn 6h, Blessing medium, Elkhart 88H, 88HT, Greenhoe 88HT, Heckel, Piering replica
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by tbdana »

hyperbolica wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 7:14 am I had some flat shoes for a long time, and adopted the idea that the pain just made me stronger. If those doctors want a real test, maybe they could work with people who DON'T have perfect young bodies. If those shoes are really best, then barefoot would be even better. I can hardly walk at all barefoot.

I've got several pair of Hokas with very thick and springy soles, and my feet actually feel better with the shoes on than without them. I can walk long distances with them on, and just hate doing it without them. I got a black pair for all-black performances.
Hokas are wonderfully engineered. I used Hoka Speedgoats for trail running for, like, ever. So stable. So ergonomic. Reduces the effects of high impact running. Far superior to barefoot or flat shoes.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

I've stuck with a couple of models of New Balance since they were recommended to me by a foot specialist when I had a plantar fasciitis problem for a little while -- but mostly that's because of their "roll bar" feature and overall good fit. But next time around I'll take a look at these Hokas.
Gary Merrill
Amati Oval Euph
1924 Buescher 3-valve Eb tuba
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by tbdana »

ghmerrill wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 10:16 am I've stuck with a couple of models of New Balance since they were recommended to me by a foot specialist when I had a plantar fasciitis problem for a little while -- but mostly that's because of their "roll bar" feature and overall good fit. But next time around I'll take a look at these Hokas.
What kind of foot/stride do you have? Has a podiatrist evaluated your stride? Because it makes a huge difference in what shoes will help and what shoes will hurt.

New Balance technology is great for over-pronators, especially severe pronators. Some of the best shoes out there for such folks. (Pronation is the natural rolling and landing of the foot while walking or running. It involves three simultaneous motions: subtalar eversion, ankle dorsiflexion, and forefoot abduction. Generally speaking, over-pronators roll too much, and under-pronators don't roll enough.)

Over-pronators should wear shoes that emphasize foot stability. New Balance has fantastic technology for over-pronators, second only to Brooks IMHO.

NBs are not as good for neutral or under-pronators IMHO, even though they have shoes designed for that end of the spectrum.

Conversely, Hoka technology is unparalleled for neutral striders (like me) and under-pronators. These folks tend to have higher arches. They should wear shoes that emphasize cushioning and arch support, and Hoka has that in spades. Hokas are not as good, and might be detrimental, to over-pronators.

I know this relates to tromboning somehow...
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

tbdana wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 10:40 am Over-pronators should wear shoes that emphasize foot stability. New Balance has fantastic technology for over-pronators, second only to Brooks IMHO.
Yes, my problem is over-pronation and (not severe, but present) arch issues. My own experience is that the New Balance work better for me than Brooks -- but I do also use PowerStep insoles in all my shoes, boots, and even moccasins (I'm pretty sure the Iroquois did as well). I don't do any running because of the condition of my (artificial) right knee. But I can walk fine for long distances without any difficulty ("long" including "for miles in mountain terrain"). I no longer venture into the centers of rivers and streams up to waist height -- especially with the rock bottoms around here. The legs and overall balance just aren't up to that any longer. :cry:
I know this relates to tromboning somehow...
Well, it does -- unless you never have to walk anywhere to use your trombone. But at least I'm not hauling a 20 lb. tuba plus a large equipment bag across the terrain any longer. I love the bass trombone -- it just seems so tiny. :)
Gary Merrill
Amati Oval Euph
1924 Buescher 3-valve Eb tuba
Schiller American Heritage 7B clone bass trombone
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DE LB K/K8/112 Lexan
1947 Olds "Standard" trombone (Bach 12c)
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by hyperbolica »

We have a shop here that 3d scans your foot and takes a pressure map as you walk. They identified a couple of issues I never knew I had, and were able to recommend shoes to address those problems (extra wide/high arch). I went in looking for NBs and came out with a specific model of Hokas. On my 3rd pair now.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

hyperbolica wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 11:13 am We have a shop here that 3d scans your foot and takes a pressure map as you walk.
A tire shop? Shoe shop? MD shop? New age footware shop?
Gary Merrill
Amati Oval Euph
1924 Buescher 3-valve Eb tuba
Schiller American Heritage 7B clone bass trombone
M/K nickel MV50 leadpipe
DE LB K/K8/112 Lexan
1947 Olds "Standard" trombone (Bach 12c)
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by Doug Elliott »

tbdana wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 10:40 am What kind of foot/stride do you have? Has a podiatrist evaluated your stride? Because it makes a huge difference in what shoes will help and what shoes will hurt.

New Balance technology is great for over-pronators, especially severe pronators. Some of the best shoes out there for such folks. (Pronation is the natural rolling and landing of the foot while walking or running. It involves three simultaneous motions: subtalar eversion, ankle dorsiflexion, and forefoot abduction. Generally speaking, over-pronators roll too much, and under-pronators don't roll enough.)

Over-pronators should wear shoes that emphasize foot stability. New Balance has fantastic technology for over-pronators, second only to Brooks IMHO.

NBs are not as good for neutral or under-pronators IMHO, even though they have shoes designed for that end of the spectrum.

Conversely, Hoka technology is unparalleled for neutral striders (like me) and under-pronators. These folks tend to have higher arches. They should wear shoes that emphasize cushioning and arch support, and Hoka has that in spades. Hokas are not as good, and might be detrimental, to over-pronators.

I know this relates to tromboning somehow...
Yes.. it does relate to tromboning.
... I see you use an approach to analyzing feet and stride and shoes similar to the way I look at chops and playing and mouthpieces.
"I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two."
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

Doug Elliott wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 12:49 pm ... I see you use an approach to analyzing feet and stride and shoes similar to the way I look at chops and playing and mouthpieces.
Step 1: Remove foot from mouth ... :lol:
Gary Merrill
Amati Oval Euph
1924 Buescher 3-valve Eb tuba
Schiller American Heritage 7B clone bass trombone
M/K nickel MV50 leadpipe
DE LB K/K8/112 Lexan
1947 Olds "Standard" trombone (Bach 12c)
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by hyperbolica »

ghmerrill wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 11:17 am
hyperbolica wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 11:13 am We have a shop here that 3d scans your foot and takes a pressure map as you walk.
A tire shop? Shoe shop? MD shop? New age footware shop?
A running shoe shop.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by ghmerrill »

hyperbolica wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 3:49 pm A running shoe shop.
You're messing with me, right?

Okay ... I guess I've been away from the hustle and bustle and bright lights for way too long. All I can say is ... What a great society we live in that can support running shoe shops! :lol: :D
Gary Merrill
Amati Oval Euph
1924 Buescher 3-valve Eb tuba
Schiller American Heritage 7B clone bass trombone
M/K nickel MV50 leadpipe
DE LB K/K8/112 Lexan
1947 Olds "Standard" trombone (Bach 12c)
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by tbdana »

ghmerrill wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 3:59 pm
hyperbolica wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 3:49 pm A running shoe shop.
You're messing with me, right?

Okay ... I guess I've been away from the hustle and bustle and bright lights for way too long. All I can say is ... What a great society we live in that can support running shoe shops! :lol: :D
They've been around since at least the 1990s, which is when I first became a customer.
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Re: Yes, I'm an idiot

Post by hyperbolica »

ghmerrill wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 3:59 pm
hyperbolica wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 3:49 pm A running shoe shop.
You're messing with me, right?

Okay ... I guess I've been away from the hustle and bustle and bright lights for way too long. All I can say is ... What a great society we live in that can support running shoe shops! :lol: :D
Running shoes, sport shoes, yeah. Roanoke isn't exactly a hub of new inverntions.
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