In my limited exposure to learning, I have settled on an approach that is a pragmatic three-step one:
First, I want to get a decent sound, and one that I personally like. I don't change my sound to suit others, I use one I think is good and is "me."
Second, I want to develop a single embouchure that allows me to play from the bottom of the horn to the top without shifts or embouchure changes. I also want an embouchure that will prevent fatigue and maximize flexibility, and for me that's one where I use only enough mouthpiece pressure to maintain a seal and no more.
Third, is technique. That step is the whole ball of wax, and relates predominantly to range, flexibility and speed. It means developing the ability to be agile, nimble, graceful and lithe over the entire range of the horn, from pedals to double high Bb. The first two steps are merely foundational to this third one. To me, the most important thing about learning to play the trombone is to become so agile on it that you never have to struggle; so agile that playing in the top or bottom of the range is as easy as playing in the middle range. And it means being able to do everything very quickly and with grace, like a clarinetist, violinist, or trumpeter. If you can fly all over the horn, you can play anything you're asked to play. Great technique is the holy grail. You must be able to play the entire instrument in order to not be limited by it. The best compliment I ever get is when someone says, "You make it sound effortless." That's when you know you're there.
That's my philosophy. It's a pragmatic approach that emphasizes being nimble across the entire instrument. But it is a stern task master. It requires seriousness and dedication without there ever being a "good enough," and that might be too much for a lot of casual trombonists. What can I say? I'm my own worst enemy.

What's yours? Perhaps for you sound is the holy grail. Maybe you believe long tones are the path to heaven. What other approaches are there out in TC Land?