Monette and Parduba
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 12:27 pm
Hey guys, been looking into new mouthpieces for lead playing. Just got a new peashooter from a freind that plays like a gem. I'm hoping someone else has experiences with these brands and can help me reach a consensus. So for lead playing, in the last couple years ive really enjoyed using the Parduba double cup series mouth pieces, I mean it feels like having an octave key built into your mouthpiece. Ripping out Bbs 2 octaves above middle C actually becomes fun when your not doing it on a beach 1.5L (I play bass trombone regularly) . My question is tho, should I switch to a more " conventional " mouthpiece or should I be thinking more like " if it aint broke dont fix it" ? I have a buddy that swears by Monette moutpieces and say they are the Greg Blacks for lead playing( the blacks being great orchestra playing pieces). Is it worth getting into the expensive monettes?