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Changing Series in DE Mouthpieces
Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 9:57 am
by Crazy4Tbone86
I am speculating that there are some players out there that have the same size DE mouthpieces in two different series. I know that the angle from the inner rim is slightly different from series to series. Also, some of the larger series start with larger heavier blanks.
My question is: Has anyone tried the same size in the LB and XB series. Pros and cons?
Re: Changing Series in DE Mouthpieces
Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 12:24 pm
by Crazy4Tbone86
Accidentally placed this in the classifieds. Can a moderator switch this to the mouthpiece discussion area? Thanks.
Re: Changing Series in DE Mouthpieces
Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 1:14 pm
by Doug Elliott
There's a pretty significant difference between LB and XB.
XB is a lot wider inside, and a much heavier blank. It feels considerably more open.
I think someone who likes one would not like the other, they're very different.
Re: Changing Series in DE Mouthpieces
Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 3:30 pm
by Crazy4Tbone86
Hmm? I really like many things about my 2011 LB115N9. On all of my bass trombones (Conn, multiple Bachs and an Edwards), it is the best all-around mouthpiece.
In the past week, a fellow bass trombonist loaned me a box full of mouthpieces in the same size range for trial. While none of them worked quite as well for me as the LB115N9, some of them had some favorable qualities. In particular, some of the heavier models had a great feel and response in the mid-range (notes on the bass clef).
This got me thinking that an XB115N9 might be a good mouthpiece to try because it is slightly heavier. Now I’m concerned that it might be too different.
Re: Changing Series in DE Mouthpieces
Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 4:04 pm
by TromboneTallie
Only one way to find out
Re: Changing Series in DE Mouthpieces
Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 4:33 pm
by Crazy4Tbone86
Well I figured that I might eventually need to buy one. Just hoping that others might have gone through the process and could tell me just how big the difference actually is. If it is subtle, it might be a good move for me.
Not quite ready to order a new DE mouthpiece just yet. Still waiting on mouthpiece parts for my .525 bore horn that I ordered from Doug about 5 months ago. When I sent the order, I didn't realize that Doug had shut down operations for a little while because he was waiting on a machining part.
Doug, how are you doing with catching up on orders?