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Laskey 90D vs. 95D

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:49 am
by bassboneman69
I have been using a Laskey 90D as my daily driver.
Put out a WTB ad for a 93D with no bites. Not a shocker.
I did get a response for a 95D which I was able to purchase.

Played a substantial wedding gig on it.
I am happy w the piece. Especially when playing 8vb on charts! The pedal range is quite responsive.
I think it’s a more recent piece due to italicized
font etched into the piece.

I was hoping for some thoughts with regard to comparisons on the two pieces. I can’t find ALL of specs online for the bass bone Laskey line up. There are dimensions for rim and cup diameter but not throat.
I think I read that BurgerBob mentioned all bass Laskey pieces have a .312 bore (throat).

Looking forward to further educating myself on these really nice mouthpieces.

Re: Laskey 90D vs. 95D

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:58 am
by GabrielRice
The 93D and 95D published spec was a .312 throat. I owned a couple of 95Ds and many 93Ds, and I think they did all have that throat, though I saw a lot of other variations. Scott was a tinkerer, and I think sometimes he made mouthpieces with custom alterations for specific customers. Probably often without telling them.

Re: Laskey 90D vs. 95D

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 12:09 pm
by tbonesullivan
The 95D is a pretty huge piece, 29.5mm in diameter. I remember hearing that the cup may be a bit shallower than the 93D, maybe to keep the cup volume the same? There also of course were variations in production runs, as they were machined by hand, and not with a CNC lathe, as far as I know. And of course, even CNC lathe's get worn cutters.

.312" is what I remember being the throat for the "D" cups, with .295" for the MD cups.

Re: Laskey 90D vs. 95D

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 12:27 pm
by bassboneman69
Thanks guys for sharing. I love reading about this stuff.
I knew the 95 was a big piece but the .312 throat helps manage the “hemorrhaging” of air I had with some GB pieces.