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A problem with a recurring cut?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 6:08 pm
by Levito
Not sure if this is the right topic as there isn’t a set one for these types of issues but,

So recently(past 2 months) I’ve had a problem with a recurring cut on the inside of my top lip. It’s not a super deep cut and in fact the dentist said he didn’t even see it and would think I’m fine if I hadn’t brought it up. But it’s been bothering the heck out of me. The more I play the worse it gets and even though it doesn’t look bad it definitely early feels bad. It starts off as just discomfort but over time like say a day or two of a lot of playing it gets painful.
This never happened before 2 months ago and I haven’t changed how I’m playing at all. It just doesn’t really make any sense. I’ve tried taking breaks and even different mouthpieces but nothing seems to solve the problem.
Has anyone else had a similar problem? And does any one have any idea of what might be causing this issue? It’s not an issue of embouchure or pressure and I’ve completely stumped my teacher and his go to instrument tech.

Thanks for reading!

Re: A problem with a recurring cut?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 6:37 pm
by AndrewMeronek
Bring it up with your dentist?

Re: A problem with a recurring cut?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 6:43 pm
by Doug Elliott
It might still be a playing issue even if you think not.
Try Orajel on it.
Could be a metal sensitivity, not necessarily to your mouthpiece but to a filling or something else. Or your toothpaste