Earlier I happened to mention that I'd bought a bass trombone and now had to buy some mutes. Well, one poster here (I won't out him out of courtesy, but I encourage him to self-identify) wrote me and said, in effect, "Hey, I just bought a bunch of new mutes, you can have my old ones for free if you want." I enthusiastically took him up on his offer, not knowing if he was serious or it was just well-intentioned talk.
Well, today I got a delivery! (Sorry about the photo quality. Dog not included!

I had offered to at least pay him for shipping, but he declined and now here they are!
That is certainly a kindness that I never expected and am extremely grateful for. Restores my faith in humanity. (Well, in trombonists, anyway.

This place has some damn good folks in it.

Thank you kind sir! You know who you are.